Our Mission

Driven by our focus on Human Rights, to enable Good Governance and protection to Human rights and Eliminating the Corruption to transform Society & Nation into more economic and all total Development Growth

Together We Can

Who We Are

The NCC & HWO: National Corruption control and Human Welfare Organization is a NGO (non-governmental organisation) registered.

We promotes Corruption free, Human right support, social development, Research, Training, campaigns to initiates and fosters new developments and implementation in Human Right spears in India.

Here at NCCHWO, we know that sometimes all it takes to change the world is a little support. Since our founding in 2019, we have been determined to make an impact. The core of our efforts is to bring our team’s fresh ideas and passion to the range of activities we’re involved in. Through all of our endeavors we hope to display the conviction behind our beliefs.


What We Do


— We Find & Fund

We find the untouched and unseen to provide the real help and support for them. Our team at national corruption control and human welfare organization delicately focus on Human Rights, to enable good governance and protection to Human rights and eliminating the corruption to transform society & nation into more economic and all total development growth.


— We Build Networks

We have the potential to make a real and positive change in the community. This is one of our key areas of focus here at National Corruption Control & Human welfare organization and a source of much success for our Non-Profit Organization. Get in touch with us today and see how you can lend a helping hand with this program.


— We Strengthen

Our vision is to strengthen the community with reducing the corruption. We believe that if there is gap between administration and the public then there are big chances of corruption. so our team working to remove that gap and making a bridge between administration and the public to strengthen the community and economic values by reducing the corruption.


— We Educate

Education is very important for Human welfare to improving the standard of living. Educating the values of accumulated knowledge and development of the intellectual faculties in the people is not an easy task. Our NGO is helping to educate society to reduce stratification and injustice and the crime. We find the best possible solution for these issues to improve the economic growth for all.


— We Provide Care

In our nation, people are still suffering they didn’t get facility and care on-time. We are developing our NGO and special teams to find out such matters so that we can provide extra care the real needy in our society. We are continuously working on caring humanity without any bar and restriction to provide them facility and support.


— We Consult

Many time people do not have right direction they got suicide and other losses to the community. Our NCCHWO Experts continuously analyzing and promoting different events to consult people to save them and provide better direction how they can live with happiness. Its a big task, and hopefully soon our team help each and every needful.

Impact Stories

Corruption रुपी इस Virus को कम करें: Ranjeet Verma
कुछ लोग मानवाधिकार संगठन चला रहे है और कहते है कि हमे *National Human Rights commission* ने Affiliation दे रखी है, जब हमारा delegation, NHRC में मिला तो हमें पता चला कि वो किसी भी संस्था को Affiliation नहीं देते, बल्कि उन्होने हर राज्य सरकारों को भी लिखा है कि जो हमारे नाम का गलत इस्तेमाल कर रहे है, उन पर शिकंजा कसा जाये, परन्तु फिर भी धडल्ले से ऐसे संगठन चल रहे है और मैम्बरशिप फीस के नाम पर लोगो से मोटा पैसा ऐंठ रहे है, परन्तु वो सिर्फ whatsapp तक ही सीमित है। परन्तु ऐसा नहीं कि सभी लोग ऐसा कर रहे है, कुछ अच्छा काम भी कर रहे है। तो हमने सोचा क्यों न हम खुद का ऐसा मंच तैयार करें जहाँ सबको जगह मिले और Corruption रुपी इस Virus को कम करने की कोशिश करें। क्योंकि जो सही मायने में समाज सेवा करना चाहते हैं वो इन NGOs की मोटी फीस की बजह से संगठन join ही नहीं कर पाते।/
बदलाव की मशाल हमने जला दी है— Deepak Sharmaa
राष्ट्रीय भ्रष्टाचार और मानव कल्याण संघ, *National Corruption Control & Human Welfare organisation* की Foundation सात राज्यों के लोगों ने मिलकर रखी है | *बहुत से Aims को लेकर हमने यह मंच तैयार किया है, जिसकी National Body में हर क्षेत्र से जुड़े लोग है। तो आओ सब मिलजुल कर एक दूसरे को कोसने की बजाय हाथ मिलायें और अपने देश को और भी महान बनाने मे सरकारों की मदद करे ।*बेसक क्षेत्र का नाम लिख दीजिए, politics, Civil Defense, Ex Air Force, Media, Advocates, Film industry से जुड़े लोग है जो अपने अपने क्षेत्र में बदलाव लाना चाहते हैं और बदलाव लायेंगें। बदलाव की मशाल हमने जला दी है, देखना यह है कि हमारे देश में कितने लोग बदलाव चाहते है।